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First Church Jamaica Plain  Jamaica PLain, MA

First Church in Jamaica Plain stands at the cultural and civic center of Jamaica Plain. Designed by Nathaniel Bradlee in 1854, the church is an excellent example of Gothic Revival architecture. Our firm’s work here has encompassed conditions assessments, master planning, exterior preservation, accessibility improvements, tower clock restoration, and grant writing.

Work began in 2001 with an existing conditions assessment that identified envelope failures, which were addressed in 2002-2003 with support from an MPPF grant. A subsequent phase involved construction of a sloped walkway, ramp, and accessible rest room, as well as improvements to the historic clock and several leaded windows. 

In 2011, another grant-funded project addressed the 100-foot tower. The deteriorated and highly ornamental copper roof was precisely replicated and the ashlar granite parapet was repointed and preserved. An ongoing phase started in 2020 has involved updating the prior master plan and conditions assessment according to the building’s current needs. The critical item was addressing bulging stones at the tower wall and the church quickly raised money to install timber bracing to stabilize the wall temporarily while a long-term solution is developed.

Spencer Preservation Group  © 2023

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